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From: A former student
Category: General Discussion
Date: 09 Feb 2003
Time: 08:51:27 -0500
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So a former teacher finally speaks the truth and questions what is going on in hierarchy world of the DeKalb School District's head office. Why do people want to believe a Don Robinson or a Dr. Ali before they believe someone who has devoted many hours in this community. J.B. knows how the system works, along with the other teachers who rightfully are afraid of saying anything publically, avoiding the repercussions from the superintendents office, and we preach and demand "freedom of speech". Is the freedom of speech only applicable where it benefits the "powers to be". Teachers are good people who deserve the best, not to be extorted. J.B. could easily keep his mouth shut and his pen capped, but I believe this happened too long when he was a teacher and now he feels he owes this community the truth or at least to keep searching for it. John Birkett and his family are good people and neighbors to this community, if it comes to questioning integrity, it is Don Robinson's integrity that I would question. What about a true resume on your job history Don? Where are you moving to Don? Why are you moving Don? Thanks for opening the door to question your integrity Mr. Robinson. Many people in DeKalb DO know your work history, do you want to go there? People of DeKalb need to ask more questions along with J.B. You'd be surprised at what you will find out.