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Re: Mac's Math is Good

From: As I see it
Category: General Discussion
Date: 01 Feb 2003
Time: 12:04:46 -0500
Remote Name:


Don, I would like to a couple of points.

Savanah Green is an affordable alternative for people of moderate means who want to have a new home. Doesn't it seem a bit elitist to you that we could have a system that would only allow new housing developments for people who can afford $200,000+ homes? Should the American dream be available for a wider range of incomes.

Are we, by resisting this development, saying the people of moderate incomes (again a mean of $38,000) should stay in the mature areas and live in the older homes with all the problems they entail? Are their children of these families supposed to attend the older schools and suffer the migration of attention and resources (such as the better teachers) to the newer school?

The second point is that SG will attract a lot of empty nesters who have retired and do not want a large yard and all of the seasonal yard work. I know the number, 270, is based on the developer's experience with other like developments. I do believe it would be prudent of us to make sure the developer is comparing apples with apples because the demographics of one community do not always match the demographics of a second community and we may have more lower income families with two or more children and these families might flood the development. Without a crystal ball, we have no way of knowing what the real numbers of SG will be.

With regard to the one-year lag between empty-lot taxes rates vs second year tax revenues, I cannot believe that all 900 homes will be built in one year and all 270(?) children dumped into the district in one year. Isn't this likely to be a slow build to the full number of new students introduced into the district?

Last changed: 02/01/03

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