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Re: Thought about this referendum.

Category: General Discussion
Date: 30 Jan 2003
Time: 21:16:52 -0500
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So, I am hurting my and your kids by asking questions. I am hurting the kids because I question a 20 year bond for a plan that is only good for 10 years. When we have over 20 million left on the bond you favor, where will we get the additional 30-45 million when we have to do this all over in 9-10 years? Dr. Ali won't be here at that time. The current school board knows this referendum is a farce. No real plans, no real directions. I want to know where every penny is going. There has to be accountability from the school district. The school board still voted for the referendum, even though it left a bad taste in their mouths. This issue is not about growth. It is truly about infill in older neighborhoods. Additional monies and teachers and space being given to teach Hispanic children. Title IX compliance is why $29.8 million is truly being spent on the gyms. $29.8 million of a $39.84 million referendum. There are no classrooms for the children, they are cramped and being pushed into the hallways and mobile classrooms. Where will they be when all the money is spent for gyms and air conditioning. Is this how we get the teachers support? Air conditioning? Last referendum was a significant pay raise. How many of the teachers actually live in this community? How many commute in? Why even have a school board when they are being told how to vote "their minds". Thank God one was smart, but only an abstained, should have been a NO. How many times will this plan have to be turned down before someone realizes that a new plan is necessary. I am doing what is right for the children, I am voting NO on this plan, or lack of definited plans. So us the plans and the way the money is to be spent and this community will SHOW YOU THE MONEY!

Last changed: 01/30/03

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