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Re: Thought about this referendum.

From: As I see it
Category: General Discussion
Date: 25 Jan 2003
Time: 20:21:13 -0500
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Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe there are three ingredients needed for a growing community? I think the three ingredients are: an ample supply of good jobs, an ample supply of good housing, and a quality education system. Immediately upon arriving in this area, I noticed this “Heart of Illinois” is plagued by a lack of quality jobs and quality affordable housing. These two ingredients, along with a quality education system for generations to come, are essential if we are to establish and maintain the quality of life we all desire and deserve.

What can we do about to bring about a change in our two communities? Well, I know a few of you and I will get to know more of you over the years and I believe we must take a proactive approach and force change where change is needed. That might mean we will have to support a referendum based on its merits and not oppose it based on old wars, old scars, and personal agendas. We need a change, because the formula we are now using is not working. And I learned a long time ago that it is better to plant an acorn and grow an oak tree than it is to keep the acorn in your pocket and dream of a tree. So, I intend to get involved and plant a few acorns. Maybe one or two will grow.

For example, I intend to support Savannah Green because I know, first hand, that such housing can be a blessing for people who want a home but cannot afford the monthly payment on a $180 ,000 home. I will do all I can to encourage the city leaders of both DeKalb and Sycamore to consider this housing plan. And I will do all I can to encourage the school district board to support SG because it is a proactive approach that takes into consideration our total need. I believe, on that other hand, that the two issues are separate in that failure of one should have no impact on the other. I have also supported the wind farm in DeKalb County because it is the proactive and right thing to do for our community, and I believe for our country. And I will do what I can to encourage the growth in manufacturing and technology jobs in this area in order to help bring the mean income a little higher above the poverty bar.

I intend to volunteer for the ad hoc committee because I want the facts about the need for this referendum; and if they are real, I will campaign for its passage. If they are not, I will resign from the committee and work for a change in the approach. I have found that it is easier (and lazier) to just say no to a referendum and to not get the facts. And it is easier to make assumptions than it is to research the need for additional revenues. I will join the group, make a determination as to whether the district truly needs additional revenue; and if I remain on the committee, I will post everything I learn on this forum.

On a side note, can someone please ask Michael to change the name of his controlled community because it brings to mind Cabrini-Green, and we all know the image that brings to mind of low-quality government housing and an even lower quality of life.

Last changed: 01/25/03

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