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Thought about this referendum.

From: Ivan Krpan, DeKalb
Category: General Discussion
Date: 24 Jan 2003
Time: 07:55:51 -0500
Remote Name:


This referendum does not make sense to me and others apparently as I talk around. Less money as to be spent and it needs to be spent more efficiently. Let's build 1 school. Make it a high school. Build it for the future. Have the land donated, Savannah Greens to make a cash donation. Keep some of the cemetary land for future expansions and sell the rest to the Park District for recreation. Build the new high school without having to interupt every school over the proposed building period and when the high school is completed. The 2 jr. highs merge to the old high school. The old jr. high buildings now become additional grade schools. Cortland works out deals with developers for land for a new grade school and the former Malta High school becomes the new grade school for that area. This brings more than enough classroom space for all levels of grades for a good amount of years. Slight redistricting of students would be necessary as it will be for any plan, and a much less cost to the taxpayer. We need an alternate to the referendum currently plagueing our community. To me with no definite plans to look at, we would be just handing over 39.82million dollars to this current administration and a future school board we no nothing about. With the current Growth Summit also underway, decisions within this group could also mean potentially a major slowdown in development in this community, resulting in way to much space down the road. This happened a few year back and we had to sell off some schools. We need to be smart about this, there is always time to act responsibly especially when our children are involved. Vote NO because there are alternatives that would benefit our children more efficiently.

Last changed: 01/24/03

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