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April's school referendum?

From: Ivan Krpan
Category: General Discussion
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Time: 09:43:38 -0500
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It is important for this community to get some things straightened out before there is another referendum attempt. There is an offer for an 8 million dollar grade school to be donated to this community. Why would we submit the old referendum for 39.825 million if this school is built. What is going on with the Mayor's summit group? Will they achieve anything in ways of determining what this community really wants and needs in the way of good, responsible growth? Or will political agendas interfere as they have for the past years? If they choose to stop the growth, will we need all of the classroom space and additions that is being called for. Here's another idea to ponder. If we really need space and want to keep the dollars down, let's build 1 new high school, use the current high school for the new jr. high school and use the old jr. high buildings for grade schools. Maybe even we can put the administration in the Clinton Rosette building, and the preschool in their current building. Save the former Malta High School for the students of Malta, not the administration. If this were to be done there would be very minimum interuption during the school season with construction mess. No referendum until the Mayor's summit group determines what is DeKalb's course of action. This town has built and sold enough schools off in the past, we do not want to do this again. People need to keep asking questions but more importantly, we need to continue to demand the answers. Please do not use our children as tools of extortion. Find the right plan for this community and sell it completely, nothing to the imagination. How many times does the school superintendant and the school board need to hear this before they understand what we are asking for?

Last changed: 12/07/02

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