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Tell me DeKalb Schools

From: Wondering?
Category: General Discussion
Date: 31 Oct 2002
Time: 14:38:34 -0500
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I have recently found out that there is 6 full classrooms being occupied by pre-school (Headstart)children. Why are we not using these classrooms for the intended purpose? Is this the real reason for overcrowding at the high school? How much money is being made on this preschool program and where is it going? We are not obligated the state to support preschool education as a community, why are we using our budget here instead of taking care of K-12? What is going on with the school district and their spending policies? Show your vote means something, show the school board you want answers, VOTE NO! until they tell us the truth. Am I the only one out here wondering these question?

Last changed: 10/31/02

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