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Re: DeKalb School Referendum

Category: General Discussion
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Time: 20:53:46 -0500
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$10 a month to hurt our kids by forcing them to be bussed to 500+ student elemenary schools with leaking roofs? No I wouldn't pay 10 cents to do that to our kids! The board got the plan it wanted and now the board has done just about everything in its power to let the bad plan fail. It didn't even bother to have a campaign committee working on it. It answers every question about the idiocies of the plan and every answer is the same: we'll be working on that after the referendum passes, it will all be taken care of then. If the board had even a speck of concern about crowding in our elementary schools, or about putting kids in broken down trailers, they would have used the $2,000,000+ they got from the Malta absorption to fix up the old Malta HS for our kids instead of renting it out to the church school for less money than they pay for one trailer for our kids!

Last changed: 10/30/02

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