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Where's the state?

From: Ivan Krpan
Category: General Discussion
Date: 30 Oct 2002
Time: 08:06:26 -0500
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The one major truth which is coming out of this school referendum is the FACT the State is not doing their share in educating our children. Education being financed by Real Estate taxes is an undue burden on homeowners. The Malta type communities with no tax base versus your Glenbards, Napervilles, and Wheatons are not on a equal base when it comes to educating the children. All of the groups of this community need to put and focus their energies in making enough noise down state to get them to change this. As long as the Chicago area controls down state, the ways education is funded will never change. If we want to do it for the kids, this is what we need to put our efforts and strengths into. Call for the State of Illinois to do what is their responsibility, EDUCATE THE CHILDREN!

Last changed: 10/30/02

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