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Re: DeKalbSchoolReferendum

From: Mac McIntyre
Category: General Discussion
Date: 29 Oct 2002
Time: 08:26:31 -0500
Remote Name:


It would serve the School District well, and the children of DeKalb even better, if the Board and Administration quit looking at the citizenry as stupid and easy to manipulate.

The posts I read here regarding the referendum are thoughtful. The letters to the editor at the Daily Chronicle that voice concerns and/or opposition to the referendum are intelligent.

And yet the School Board continues to promote the referendum with superficial marketing slogans designed to play on people's emotions.

Many questions have been asked that have yet to be answered. This issue of how the debt is financed should have been addressed long ago. Instead the School Board and Administration is doggedly sticking to its strategy of promote the fluff and let the people figure out the stuff. No answers given except: "Its for the children," "36 Volunteers worked long and hard," "They voted unanimously to suppport this plan," etc.

Where is the accountability? Someone posted that "If we trust the School Board we will vote yes, if we don't we won't."

That just about sums it up.

Last changed: 10/29/02

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