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Coach Bierman

From: A concerned taxpayer
Category: General Discussion
Date: 23 Oct 2002
Time: 04:23:26 -0400
Remote Name:


The problem with the reassignment of the coach is basically a power show. DeKalb Park District's Dave Emanuelson and the DeKalb School District's Brian Ali's son were not getting all the time and starts they felt they deserved. So get rid of Bierman and put in a coach that understands who needs to start the games and things are alright. That is what is wrong is DeKalb sports and if these 2 administrators openly can pull this off, what are these 2 doing behind closed doors. I do not trust either of them. Wake up citizens of DeKalb. Our elected officials are not afraid of you. Make them afraid of you and VOTE NO!

Last changed: 10/23/02

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