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I'll go!

From: Mac McIntyre
Category: General Discussion
Date: 22 Oct 2002
Time: 22:54:46 -0400
Remote Name:


Hi Sal…

Count me in on the bus tour next Saturday and thanks again for publicly inviting DeKalb’s community leaders and news media to see, firsthand, the construction, layout and concept of the Savannah Green community in Normal. Thanks also for creating a forum to exchange views and information about this development.

I read Kris Povlsen’s comments: “My concern has to do with the impact on schools. It appears this community is not wanting to support new development at the cost of current tax payers.”

I am a member of this community. I, too, am concerned with any impact on our schools. According to public figures provided by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), however, I do not see how the Savannah Green project would be an additional burden to current tax payers -- as it relates to schools. (http://www.isbe.state.il.us/finance/)

According to the IBSE website, the DeKalb School District receives about $2,055 per student from State aid. It receives about $375 per student from Federal aid. I did not have these figures when I was posting revenues vs expenses in my earlier email. I thought it would be appropriate to factor these numbers into determining the impact Savannah Green would have on DeKalb Schools.

The DeKalb School District’s operational expenditures per pupil for the 2000-2001 school year was $6,715. It is estimated that the total residential property value of the completed Savannah Green project will be $140-million – a total residential EAV of $46.7-million. Total residential property tax would be $3.97-million annually. The school district would receive $2.46-million annually from its share of the property tax from the completed Savannah Green.

If the Savannah Green development generated 350 students never before enrolled in the DeKalb School District then the gross additional cost to the DeKalb School District tax payers would be $2.35 million annually. The school district would receive $2.46 million annually from real estate taxes paid by residents of the completed Savannah Green project. They would receive $719,250 annually from State aid and $131,250 annually from Federal aid. Total annual receipts generated by Savannah Green would be $3.31 million. This would leave a $960,000 annual surplus or, operational funding for an additional 143 students. Based on ISBE's numbers, which are provided to them by the DeKalb School District, the Savannah Green project would support 493 **NEW** students without additional expense to the DeKalb tax payer. I hope that people on this list realize that a large percentage of the students who would live in Savannah Green would not be new enrollees.

The school district would also receive a one-time payment of around $1.5-million from school impact fees from the Savannah Green development. There is a belief held by many who are working to get the school referendum passed that the tax payers are more supportive of adding on to existing schools than they are building new schools. It would then make sense to me that the impact fees generated would be wisely used on additions to schools near the development.

If the concern is truly what impact this development will have on existing taxpayers the perhaps it is fair to seek answers to the following questions:

1) If the $39.8 million referendum is passed will the influx of 840 new tax-paying properties reduce the amount the owner of a $150,000 home would pay each month? Would the Savannah Green residents be subject to paying the additional tax rate generated by the referendum? If so, and their payments do not reduce the monthly payment amount would this result in additional revenue for the school district?

2) On the subject of the planned road extension in which, if approved, the Savannah Green project will generate $688,000 in road impact fees for the City of DeKalb: Will this road extension take place with or without Savannah Green? Is funding from the Transportation Enhancement Act (TEA-21) program being sought for this project, and if so, since that is an 80/20 funding source would not the $688,000 be matched by $2.75 million from TEA-21? Isn't this a reduction in the burden to existing tax payers?

Sorry for the long email Sal but don't be surprised when I send another comment about DeKalb's need for attainable housing. I know that will be like 'preaching to the chior' talking to you. It must have stung a little bit when Ray-o-Vac chose Dixon for their new facility over DeKalb and quite possibly Park 88. I understand attainable housing was one of the determining factors in their decision to locate in Dixon. It seems that not only would attainable housing be of real value to many existing residents of DeKalb, it would also make DeKalb more competitive in attracting quality companies and the jobs they create.


Mac McIntyre

Last changed: 10/22/02

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