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Animal Control

From: Sandwich landlord
Category: A Big Thumbs Down To...
Date: 02 Jul 2002
Time: 19:01:28 -0400
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This past weekend, I had a tenant abandon a townhouse that I own in Sandwich. The person was last seen on the premises on Friday, June 28th. I entered the premises on Monday, July 1st and discovered a mother cat with 2 nursing kittens. They had no water, no kitty litter, and dry dog food was left for them to eat. The temps that weekend were well over 90 degrees outside. When I contacted the police, I was told to 'get hold of my lawyer'! This was not solving the problem at hand - getting the mother cat/kittens immediate attention. I contacted Animal Protection for DeKalb COunty was told there was nothing they could do. They had no facilities and they 'do not handle cats, only dogs'. Huh? I have a tenant that abandoned animals, endangering their lives - cruelty to animals - and no one gives a hoot in this County? I told the police and Animal Protection I was willing to sign a complaint.....I am still waiting for someone to advise me when and where to sign?

Last changed: 07/02/02

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